Who can assign people to breakout rooms? Only the primary host of a Zoom meeting can assign users to breakout rooms, co-hosts do not share this ability (see this table for a full breakdown of meeting roles). When recording is in progress, the screen will reveal a small red highlighted box that says “recording”. New with Zoom client release 5.4.6 (December 8, 2020), co-hosts now have access to the breakout rooms feature. However, the host can still manually assign those users to a room. Participants who have not moved to a breakout room will be noted by (not joined). Zoom can detect screen recording and requires you to get permission from others in attendance. People who join using the browser version of Zoom instead of the full Zoom client program won’t have the ability to self-select a breakout room if that feature is enabled. The Host will stay in the main meeting until manually joining a session. Does Zoom detect third party screen recording? The host is the only user who can assign a co-host. The co-host feature allows the host to share hosting privileges with another user, allowing the co-host to manage the administrative side of the meeting, such as managing participants or starting/stopping the recording.
Users who join a Zoom meeting using the Zoom. Click Record in the meeting controls to start a local recording. First, sign in to the Zoom website in a web browser such as Google Chrome and select Settings on your account page. Note: Only the Meeting Owner or Zoom Scheduling Host can pre-assign participants to breakout rooms. If the host has already open the breakouts rooms, they can join your breakout room to allow you to record. The host needs to allow recording before opening the breakout rooms.